Events for Kids

About Our Events

Knowing that you aren’t alone in your grief can be transformative. Remembering how desperate she was to meet other girls who could relate to losing her mother, Cara founded Empower to bring children and young adults who had lost a parent together. What started with a Mother’s Day Retreat in Boston has blossomed into year-round community-based, volunteer-driven events across the country.  Children and young adults can find relief from their grief, and connect with others who have a similar loss.

All events are non-therapeutic and remain at no charge to the family. Join the Empower community to learn more and start receiving invitations to events!

Year-Round Events

Our year-round events take place across the country for children and young adults who have experienced the loss of a parent. Hosted by local mentors and volunteers, these events are additional opportunities for Empower members to get together and build community.