

We hope you will join us and be a part of the magic of LUMINARIA✨  Hundreds of people from across New England will gather at LUMINARIA and enjoy live music by amazing local artists, and enjoy food + treats on Saturday, May 17th (rain date Sunday May 18th).

Guests will walk the beach by the lighthouse to find our loved one’s luminaria bags (our volunteers make every effort to display the bags alphabetically).

However, guests should consider the following important details:

  • Guests should plan to arrive between 6pm – 7pm while the sun is setting and the bags begin to illuminate (sunset is 7:45pm) ✨
  • The event will end by 9pm as our volunteers begin to wrap up the display✨
  • Parking is limited onsite at 100 Lighthouse Road, however, other lots may be available on Turner Road or Jericho Road✨

Local Entertainment Lineup

Coming Soon!


Saturday, May 17th 6pm – 9pm

(Rain Date Sunday May 18th)

Scituate Lighthouse

100 Lighthouse Road

Scituate, MA